Sunday, 18 March 2012

Abdominal Toning Belt

As I sit typing I have on the Sanitas SEM 35 toning belt which I just started using 20th February 2012 cos quite frankly the sit ups aint working anymore!!  Ive graduated from 50 situps/crunches to 100 and finally 200 each day and the belly keeps looking up at me saying bwah haha ha ha!!! So i've decided to take affirmative action and start using a toning belt in conjunction with my situps (which have now become about 10 every other day lol).  Ok so initally i put the belt around my pet stomach and fastened it up and took a deep breath and switched it on.......Quite frankly it was an anticlimax as i felt nothing more than a prickly tickle, so i cranked it up to the highest power which was #7 Still no stomach contorsions.  After repeatedly trying i was convinced that i had bought a faulty one and proceeded to take it back to the store to change it. There was none left i was stuck with it grrrrr.  Any way after mooching around feeling sorry for myself because my master plan to defeat my arch nemesis belly seemed to have failed, I noticed on the instructions that i was supposed to wet my stomach before attaching the belt as it has 4 water contact electrode doh!!! So hastily i moistened my stomach and applied the belt and although i felt slightly more of the prickle sensation there was no muscle contractions goin on round my midriff.  I felt defeated and decided i would have to look in the Argos catalogue for another model but the one in my price range used a conductive gel and the forums and reviews i read about the belt said that it was basically impossible to get more gel once it ran out.
Hmmmmmm my little brain started to contemplate trying my abdominal belt with conductive gel  but it was sunday and the only way it seemed to get hold of gel was on ebay!!
Then the light bulb in my head went off and i  had the idea to get some hair gel and smear it on my ample stomach that was my conductor but as it was quite gloopy i wet my hands and diluted the gel somewhat and excitedly put on the toning belt and cranked it up. OUCH yes you guessed it. My watered down argan oil hair gel was an excellent conductor. I quickly reset it to program A It has a pre-programmed routine which you can easily alter if you feel you want to get started at a higher pace.It recommends that yo just using setting A for the first 2 weeks to acclimatise yourself to the sensations. I kept it on for an hour and couldnt resist doing another hour later on that evening. I intend to use it at least 3 times a week and i will keep you updated as well as post photos.

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